Changing definitions of words?

Just ran into a strange thing today…

I wanted to setup a course for my daughter so I started adding words from her book but as she does not speak English I wanted to change the definitions to the Swedish word.

But this seemed impossible, in the new UI (web) there seems to be no way to change the definitions at all.
In the legacy UI there was an edit button but and you could edit it but saving did not work.

Am I missing something or are the definitions hard-coded?
I did some quick searching on the forums and the response to previous similar questions seems to indicate that this might not be possible (seemed like you should ban the word and re-add it or something along those lines)…
I need a scalable solution as I am intending to do this for hundreds of words…

// Michael Medin

Hi Michael!

Editing definitions isn’t ready on 2.0 yet, however you can still use the legacy version at: I think the easiest way to do this would be to fully create the list, then go inside of the list section and click the first word, which pulls up the detailed information screen for it. Once in the detailed info screen, you can click the blue pencil icon to edit the definition. To move on to the next word in the list, you can click the arrow button at the top of the detailed info screen.

By the way, what percentage of words would you say you’re running into that are missing Swedish definitions?

Maybe I am missing something…
I have not seen any Swedish definitions at all anywhere, are there some?

And as for the legacy I tried it and saving but it does not seem to work…
(unless I am missing something)

Edit list:

Click Edit button for word:

Update definition and “leave field” (which seems to close it):

Back as it was before…

Interestingly if I click edit again the box says “ett” (Swedish for one) so it is saved “somewhere”…

// Michael Medin

It looks like you were set to English in your account’s preferences. I’ve switched it over to Swedish and it looks like most of the words should have definitions.

Regarding how to edit word definitions in bulk easily, here are some instructions!

1.) After going into a specific list, click the first list section

2.) Click the first word in the list section (blue text)

3.) Click the blue pencil icon to edit the definition, and the arrow buttons up top to navigate forward/backward in the list

4.) Edit and save!

Great that worked like charm (might wanna update the “other” one I used as that was “my obvious way to edit it”, and please please add more languages to the “language selector” in the 2.0 site, I literally had NO IDEA it was possible to pick languages…

As for the % of Swedish I would put it at 50% existing words and 50% I have to edit…

A slight update…

Studying with Swedish definitions works very very well. I have added “book 1” and there I would put the existing definitions at 80-90%, I also added some chapters of “book 3” (i.e. slightly harder words) and there the existing % is around 50…


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