Some small suggestions

So first of all, I’d like to thank you for all the work you’re putting into Skritter. The Beta has really come a long a way this year. Over the holidays I’ve written down some suggestions, mostly on improving the UX:

  1. Make a page (preferably in the app) explaining the different gestures you have, e.g. swipe up to delete the character and write it again. There seems to be a gesture that shows you the whole character, that i sometimes accidentally activate, but I just can’t figure out what it is.

  2. It would be very helpful, if you could improve the “ban” button inside the app. On the website you are asked if you only want to ban everything, or only the thing you are currently asked, e.g. pronunciation. I’m not really sure if the ban button in the app bans everything or only the current question style, in any case i would prefer to be asked. Also you can’t currently unban an item in the app, which is useful if you accidentally hit the ban button.

  3. Not sure if this is possible, but it would be nice if you could quick add words from the “i” menu. Both Decomposition of the character and Words containing the character should have an option to quick add the word/character to a default list. Alternatively adding an “add to skritter” entry in the context menu of android, that appears when you select words would also be very useful. Pictures of the context menu for clarification

  4. Lately there are more and more phones with an aspect ration of 18.5:9 or similar. Currently the extra space is just wasted, as it is filled up with white background. It would be nice if the extra space could be used in some way, e.g making the definition field reach farther down.
    On a similar note, i would like to see the “last reviewed on/added from x list/percent due” information in the app too. It was a great addition on the web client.

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I think you’ll be pleased to know that each of the points you’ve mentioned has been brought up! :smiley:

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