Setting to change “default” grade

One thing that’s long bugged me on Skritter is the assumption that getting the right answer should be a “green/correct” grade.

The truth is, I guess…a lot.

I end up manually setting my grade to “so-so” (yellow) a lot. I’d really like to be able to set the “default” grade via a setting, instead of having the default be “correct”.

My default frequently is NOT correct.

Thanks for the feedback! I can see that as being more useful if you’re using auto advance. Are you using auto advance?

Yes, I have auto advance turned on. Most of the time I manually stop the autoadvance timer is because I need to lower the grade. I’d be much better if the default grade was “yellow/so-so”.

I don’t think we’ll be adding any default grading changes, but if we do it’d probably be part of some advanced auto advance settings. We do however plan on giving auto advance an overhaul this weekend based on user feedback. You can read more about that here: Auto Advance Explained (app version 3.0.6)

@josh I look forward to trying the update!