Newly Published Chinese Vocab Lists

Did you just publish a new list that everyone should be studying? If so, please post a reply below. Be sure to include a few details about the list (number of vocab items, level, theme etc), and don’t forget to add a link!

Not sure everyone should study it, but… star signs in Chinese

About 30 items because I include the earthly branches as they are used for Chinese animal signs, and also a couple of other constellations.

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Hi Jake,
what about new Japanese word lists? I am currently creating word and kanji lists for two text books I am studying with. Which might be helpful for other students as well.
SOORY , saw the Japanese entry now and will reply there.

@SkritterJake I think you mean “Newly Published”?.. Chinese grammar? :man_with_gua_pi_mao:

Indeed! Titled has been changed to include English grammar.

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Skritter just published a vocab list for The Routledge Course in Business Chinese (求实商务汉语). It’s got 12 lessons and 900+ words for those who are interested in checking out the textbook and working on their business Chinese!

The Routledge Course in Business Chinese

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My list of Animals.

170 of the finest animal words. And I know what you’re thinking. Shouldn’t there be more dinosaurs here? And the answer is yes, yes there should.

Also, animals are fun to learn. If you’re past HSK3, a lot of the components should be familiar.


Just added it to my study queue. Fun list!

Cool. Let me know if you notice any glaring omissions.

I made two lists for transition words.

I found that as a beginner there would be a lot of added flexibility in my prose if I learnt more transition words.

One larger list

Simpler list


I got this error following the link to the transition word list. Worked second time after logging in.

read timeout at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Net/HTTP/ line 257.

Links seem to be working now.

@MJXueHanYu Good stuff! Transition words are a great thing to understand and incorporate into one’s Chinese lexicon.

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Last week I found this book “Hanzi Practice - 333 Hanzi in a day”. It orders 333 (more or less random?) characters by similarity, and I found it quite interesting. I immediately made a Skritter list for that. In the list description you can find the download link for the book:

I must say, I cannot learn all 333 in a day, I better stick with my radicals, before I learn more words from other lists :wink: But, hopefully someone finds it useful.

I don’t think I could learn the alphabet in a day.

:smiley: I tried to learn some alphabets (Korean, Thai, …). And I would say it is nearly impossible to learn one of them in one day. But if you cut the 24 hours of a day into smaller pieces and learn some minutes every day chances seem to get better. For Chinese, it is not really an alphabet… but, my main problem is, that I do not even have one hour spare time for studying every day. And after a break of three days it feels like I must start again from the beginning. Anyway, I think these book titles “learn XXX in YY time”/“change your life in 30 days”/etc. are made up for marketing reasons, they address the impatience or lack of time of some people like me to sell better. But that does not necessarily mean that the contents must be bad. Hehe…

King Sejong, the supposed creator of hangul (the Korean syllabary) said, "a wise man can acquaint himself with them before the morning is over; a stupid man can learn them in the space of ten days”. (He must have had some very high standards!)

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King Sejong is maybe right, because 1) his wise man is unemployed and has no other duties, so he has enough free time for learning the whole day, 2) he is already familiar with the pronunciation of all components because it is his mother tongue :smile: :wink:

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I didn’t see this thread before posting separately, so here goes:

In an effort to reduce the sheer number of lists I have added over time, I’ve spent some time combining them into a few larger lists. To this end, I made a HSK 1-6 list from the most recent official HSK lists. I’ve just published it, in case anyone else likes to use fewer lists:

At first I didn’t plan to keep these up to date, but since I’ll be using them for quite some time still (I’m only just working through HSK4), and since I’ve worked out a way to process the list into chunks of 200, this shouldn’t be a problem.


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It would be nice to be able to define a Skritter list as a list of Skritter lists.


I’ve created a new list that some people might find interesting HSK6 vs. old HSK

From the description:

This list was created using the HSK6 list and the old HSK lists from Skritter (updated as of May 17 2015) and analysed using the site:
The output is sorted by frequency according to the SUBTLEX list based on frequency statistics from subtitles.
In total HSK6 shared:
12 words with old HSK1
200 words with old HSK2
681 words with old HSK3
1223 words with old HSK4;
390 words were not in any of the old HSK lists.

Strangely, this list has one more word in total than the Skritter HSK6 list, it might be due to a duplicate between two of the old HSK lists.