Names capitalization in pinyin is rarely displayed

Website, Firefox, Windows 10, Surface Book
When I get asked the tones of a word the pinyin text on the right is altered to not reveal the answer (everything is perfect with that). When some nouns are asked that one is supposed to capitalize (names of countries, etc.) they suddenly appear capitalized in their altered pinyin output without tones. I guess that this is a feature that is broken in the regular display with the tones. As soon as I answer the question about the tones the capitalization is gone.

Example (pinyin text displayed on the right below the characters):
Ouzhou -> ōuzhōu (should be Ōuzhōu)

Every “ü” also gets turned into a “v” in the version without tones, which is correct as far as I can tell, you could also change it to be a simple “ü” though.
nv’er -> nǚ’ér

It looks like there’s an open issue for this. Thanks for your report!