Export vocabulary through legacy site - amount of words seems to be off

I have used the export function at https://legacy.skritter.com/vocab/mywords to export all the words in my vocabulary, so I can use that list to check against when creating new vocabulary lists. It exported about 2100 words, but my statistics show that I have studied about 2400 items until now. So there seem to be some amount of words missing. What could be the cause of this? Could it be that custom words/definitions that are not automatically recognized by Skritter when creating a list haven’t been added to the export? Even if this is the case I think those shouldn’t make up 300 items in my vocabulary, but of course I can’t be sure, I used mostly lists created by other people.

Hope someone can provide some insight,

kind regards,

Hi Jannes!

Would you be able to let me know where you’re seeing the 2400 items figure from? I’ve exported all your words which exported 2073 items, trying to get to the bottom of the discrepancy you’re noticing.

It says so in the stats on both the 2.0 website and the android app.

I’ve looked into what the stats mean in the past. If I recall correctly, I’ve found that characters = total unique characters you have studied, and words = number of total unique words you’ve studied, minus any single character words (since they are in the “characters” count. Items is just the total of these two. So if you learned just the following:

你好 (two new characters, one new word)
你們 (one more new character, one more new word)
ä˝  (zero more new characters, zero more new words?)
äşş (one more new character, zero more new words)

Your count would be 4 total characters, 2 total words. 4+2 = 6 total items. However, when you export, you will get just four words exported.

This is complex, so I probably made a mistake, but you get the idea that items doesn’t equal number of exported words. Skritter folks, please correct me where I have this wrong, thanks!

This makes alot of sense, thanks for breaking it down. So the 300+ missing items are probably all single characters which I have learned as part of a 2+ character word, but haven’t learned as single characters.

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