Enforced list sectioning

In the 2.0 beta, every list has at least one section. So, whether I like it or not, every one of my new lists has at least Section 1. This means that, every time I revisit even the simplest list, I first have to click not only on the name of my list, but also on Section 1, before I can get to the few words I added to my ad hoc list the previous day.
This seems to me backwards. The default should be a list with no sections, which would allow people to create and access quickly simple lists. My guess is that most people create more section-free lists than multi-sectioned ones, but then again I may be wrong. I would be grateful to others for commenting on this issue. To me personally, enforced sectioning is a bother, but I would suffer it gladly if it turned out that most people prefer it. Thanks in advance, Mick

You make a good point. The reason it’s set up defaulting to a single list section is due to originally having a “small list” and “big list” option, where if someone reached 200 words or wanted to add another section on to their list and they had selected the “small” option, they would need to recreate it with the “big list” option, which was really confusing. For now it’s defaulting to a single section list so other sections could be added later if needed, however we’ve talked about ways to set it up more like what you’ve described. :+1: