Beta - stats for today

Is it possible to show the statistics for today, on both the app and the webpage?

Hey, what do you mean by the “statistics for today”? Are you talking about a bug where the app doesn’t show today’s current stats on the stats page? Or are you saying you’d like to see what you learned today somewhere else in the app?

On the app it is possible to choose Stats for last 7 / 30 days or this /last month. Can “today” be added to this list?

On the website the date picker can be used to only choose “today” but “today” could also be added to the quick pick list?

Hey, sorry for the delay, I missed your response somehow! It’s possible, but a lot of the graphs wouldn’t make sense on a 1 day scale (e.g. a line graph with just one point isn’t a line), so I’d recommend just selecting the 7-day range and looking at the (usually) rightmost value in order to see today’s stats.

Hmmm … ok. Understand what you say about the graphs, but I still really like the iOS app stats where one can also view (with no graphs!) for that day.

That’s a good idea worth considering, I think the old Android app did that as well. Stats are something that definitely need another round of attention. We weren’t able to do everything we wanted to in our first pass due to technical limitations of the data, but with a new API we’ve built we have much more options to display cool information about what you’ve learned. I appreciate the input!

And also no year stats in the beta version. I like to see perspective sometimes

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