Advanced study issue

Whenever I click on advanced study on my iPad stritter app and click on the button to choose which lists I want to study no lists are listed. How can I fix this?

On my iPad, when I select this right after starting the app, it takes several seconds to populate the set of lists. While it is waiting to populate the lists, it just shows a blank screen.

If you go to the regular “lists” option at the main page, how long does does it take to populate the set of lists? Sometimes it can take 10-20 seconds, other times they pop right up, but in other times it will tell me it can’t connect to the server.

Since I tend to use Skritter at home (in the US) on my own high-speed cable-based wireless, it appears that sometimes the access to Skritter’s servers is flakey.

@jess02 are you still seeing this issue? If you haven’t done so already, I would recommend clearing local data or even doing a fresh install of Skritter to see if that helps the problem.

Clear local data with the following steps:

  1. Settings
  2. Account
  3. Clear Local Data

We do have an iOS update schedule for release in the coming days that might also help fix the issue. Be sure to let us know if you’re still having problems and we’ll try to help!


I’ve always found loading the lists in iOS very slow and sometimes completely doesn’t work - will this latest update fix that? It never bothered me that much as I usually use the website to edit lists, but it was annoying.

These pages load slowly on iOS because it’s currently using a web view inside of the app to load lists and other pages from Skritter. The latest update was a mostly a round of bug fixes and audio corrections that we had collected over the past few months. We’ll be working on a larger update once our site overhaul is finish to try and incorporate some of the larger changes happening on the backend of the Skritter.

It might be a little while before we’re able to implement all of the changes on iOS, but the team is working hard to make that happen as soon as possible.

Okay, no problem :slight_smile: I can wait!

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